Design Observation Blog - Mobile Banking

Dec 5, 2009 | |

The article on Jan Chipchase and his research for Nokia about the future of mobile technology discussed the potential for cell phones to help developing countries to solve problems with poverty. It discusses mobile banking solutions, both formal and makeshift, used around the globe which I thought was interesting. A few days after reading the article, I was checking my balance online and realized that Chase offers mobile banking, and has offered. I signed up and have more or less solved my overdraw issues that I used to have. Now when I want to know how much I can spend, I no longer guess. It's interesting to see how developing nations take advantage of their technology for development in what seems to be a more rapid fashion. I read an article that said that mobile phones have made serious headway in developing nations due to limited preexisting system of landline phones that had to be change. In the same way, nations with less resources seem to find the solutions that eventually are made common place in the US. People in Africa were mobile baking before I even knew it was an option. Weird, huh?