Design Observation Blog - Bus Pushing

Dec 6, 2009 | |

One private coach bus died and so to keep it moving another came and slowly pushed it down the street. When I knew I had to grab my camera is when I saw they were going to try a turn. The bus in the back gave a push and while it seemed a little iffy, the were successful. One thing we noticed is that in those buses the driver is usually at the very front of the coach, which makes the guy giving the push a great view of the impending back of the guy in the front. It would make me nervous. The main point I wondered about was, is there a better way? There has to be, since I believe most forms of transport contact is considered bad. Why didn't the guy wait for a tow? Or is it just as good of an option and the bus company or buses removed the unnecessary middle man of a tow? Do you have to design a tow truck differently for a bus than a car? Maybe my next interview should be bus drivers.