I´m in Peru!

May 11, 2010 | |

The fact that I was leaving didn´t really sink in until the place passed through the constant Lima fogbank and I could see the million of golden lights that make up the city. This year in my literature class I wrote some travel haiku (that won´t be posted here due to being either terrible or filled with pentup rage about the Houston airport, rageku) and it made me think about which are my favorite cities to land in. Guatemala City is my current favorite, there are jungle ravines with houses all along the top, they look like they are huddling together so that they don´t drop off the tropical edge. I decided that Lima is much nicer looking at night, you don´t see the fog gloom.
I wish I could say I was better at night, and arriving at the Lima airport without a plan to get to Cusco would have been fine had I not made a few big mistakes that ended up with me spending the night in the food court again. They have removed most of the waiting chairs on the public side of security and have more frequent security rounds in the public areas, there were none of the sleepers in the hallway like usual, which convinced my sleep deprived brain that if I napped there they would ask me for a ticket, I would have to lie about a connecting flight, they would catch my lie and kick me out of the airport, or ban me, deport me, or welcome me back to Peru with a cavity search. I managed to get a few hours once a whole group of travelers at the next table lay down on sleeping bags on the food court floor and security passed by without blinking, woke up and grabbed a taxi to Cruz de Sur bus station. ´

So heres the itinerary run down-
8 PM SEA to LAX 2 hour flight
5 hour wait in LAX
3 AM LAX to SAL (San Salvador) 4 hour flight
7 hour wait in SAL
(Observation- SAL has an odd collection of canine sweepers.
In the time I was there I saw one stoner looking golden dog,
a marmaduke dog and a shaggy gray dog that looked like it
would rather play frisbee.)
3 PM SAL to LIM 4 hour flight
11 hour wait in LIM
taxied to the bus station
and I´m half way through the 10 hour wait to jump onto a 21 hour bus to Cusco.
Then only 2 and a half to Ollanta. I´ll total it there.

This was a silly plan, but I´m still happy. Happy with a sore butt.

Edit for a change in plans. 15 minutes before I was suppose to leave the bus company, oh so great and reliable Cruz del Sur paged me to say that my ticket hadnt gone through do to a computer error and that they were hoping to send me suite class to Cusco via Arequipa which is fine except for that it adds and extra 14 hours to my trip and leaves me with a 10 chunk of time to waste in Arequipa. Im so sick of waiting around, I just want to be there. At least I get a big chair bed, I think a nap will help my brain.

11 hr wait  for a 14 hour bus ride ten hour wait there then a 12 hour. Kill me.