
May 15, 2009 | |

so its been awhile since ive posted anything. this last week has been vacation at pukllasunchis and so its been a delightful week of sleeping in late and watching a lot of movie. Mily has two new students living at her house now, im moving into daniellas room today for the next week as well. this is getting twisted so i´ll start at the beginning.
friday i worked with the students for the last day with the groups. it was rather complicated as a lot of the students wanted to go to a craft sale the school was holding, so i did a lot of shuffle students and very exciting, on the last day we were finally able to download sound from the recorder. fyi panasonic has a software which is the only way to remove audio from their devices and if you lose it its not available like a driver for free or anything, no they charge to replace it and thusly can go suck it...
so now we finished two movies, well finished one about arts at pukllasunchis and there is one on sports, but i would call it 80 percent finished.
saturday i went to ollantaytambo, i intended to stay only for the afternoon, but ran into some friends who convinced me to stay the night because there was music and dancing in celebration of reopening the church which had repairs done and mothers day and some important soccer game the next day, which evidently my friend is the president of the ollanta club or something (spanish confusion, iono) . i was in the streets dancing and drinking cerveza until 1130 when i wimped out of dancing at the discoteca and caught some zs.
sunday - no game since the other team didnt come, so i hightailed it back to cusco for a mothers day lunch with the family where we went for chifa, they dont use chopsticks often so they we amazed by my ninja chopstick skills. i then slept.
now monday and tuesday i think i just slept and watched
movies and listened to music and played lots of rummikub as per usual.
wednesday and thursday- new students arrived, diana and taylor who go to duke i guess. ive been showing them around town since its their first time here and mily is working, they are going to volunteer at pukllasunchis teaching english and other stuff. i get to share my combi skills. we have walked soooo much and i get to try and remember all the stuff ive forgoten about cusco. i bought a scarf too. and they agreed to try cuy with me one day while im here.
the end
oh and i was already going to leave a week late in order to teach another group, but everyone in ollanta is gearing up for a giant festival thing and convinced me to stay. i dont want to leave yet anyways so its a good thing im here for another 2 weeks.