soy un guia tambien

May 17, 2009 | |

yesterday I was rousted at the ungodly hour of 745 to serve my first day as a guia to the sacred valley for diana and taylor. they really wanted to see the ruins and when i first volunteered to show them how to get there i was not curled up in bed listening to music and so thusly agreed to show them the ropes at so early oclock. we took a combination of combis and buses and walking to arrive in urubamba where another girl traveling stuck to us since she didnt know her way either. its sad, before i started traveling with other tourists/volunteers i rarely got ripped off but since, man, the combi ride for me solo was s/.40 and with the other girls was 2 soles a 5times fare hike, and this was after bargaining him down a bit. anyways i was much happier after we stopped off at hearts cafe in ollanta and had a coffee and scone and soon became a much more patient and knowledge filled guide. i showed the girls where to enter the ruins then went off to enjoy some sunshine in the plaza de armas. this is where i learned the pains of being a guide, recently i had been fantasicing about running of to peru and being a guide, you get to travel, i speak english i like the area etc, but now... i ran into the woman who owns the hospedaje where i stayed last time, who is also the cousin of one of my friends from ollanta, and she invited me to a wedding that was happening at the curch, i joined her and it was interesting. we watched them exchange vows and sign the papers and then small cups of champagne were passed around and more confetti (which is called pica pica) was poured on peoples heads, including mine, i woke up with confetti all over my pillow even after combing my hair last night. she also told me about some of the different wedding traditions. one that i was able to understand is that in the small towns they pass around a plate with the rings and people put money on it and there is a sort of rivarly between the brides and grooms side for who give more, in the city they give presents instead. i was invited to the party in a small town about 20 minutes away where there was no cell reception and said of course but i just needed to tell the other girls what was happening. i hate peruvian cell phones i tried to call them both for about 15 minutes and the phones kept telling me i had an incorrect number and so i watched the truck of wedding guests pull away. sad.
so i wandered around, chatted with some people i knew and waited for diana and taylor to return from the ruins. we found 20 soles on the ground and got a concillatory lunch and then later climbed up to the granary which is pretty cool and ill post pictures of later. all in all a good day.