photos lost

May 7, 2009 | |

this is going to be whiny so... so yesterday i watch el dentisto y su amigos fantasmos which i believe is ghost world in the us. anyways i was feeling energetic for some reason, not something that has been common in the afternoons after teaching or as it often is wrangling, so i decided to go into town. its about a 30 minute combi trip (by the way so far combi riding is neck and neck with improving my spanish as the thing im most proud of on this trip so far) and for some very odd reason i wanted to climb to the top of town. so i climbed and gasped for breath and climbed and gasped some more and cursed the lack of air here and finally i got high enough and took some awesome pictures and found some very cool street art and felt content. i bought tres leches cake to celebrate. today i worked with bridges students and we had some down time so i gave two of the students my camera to take photos they could print. yay stickers. and fun and whatever. they deleted all my photos, i managed to rescue everything i had taken monday and before but all the photos since, gone. whaaaaaa? and tears. i didnt have anything too unreplaceble, but all i can think of is that i have to climb that stupid hill again. so, anyone have any suggestions on how to avoid this in the future, ie good internet storage places? and i found ghost town fun is it only me?


Unknown said...

im sheding a tear for ya