
Oct 5, 2008 | |

Well, travel plans are always subject to change, but I didn't expect my Peru trip to be grounded this soon (and I expected any grounding to be thanks to LANperu). But I cry not, because I'm not giving up on the plan, it's just evolving into something new and possibly more kickass, although possibly not. I am beginning to think that my well planned travels are doomed and I should just travel on whims. Organizing not being one of my strong points, it's far too much to expect my arrangements to survive any more than a two week lead-up to departure anyways. In the past this tendency for spontaneous travel, combined with my wimpiness about shots, has led to traveling without the recommended immunizations. I know this is bad, you don't need to give me the face, especially since earlier this week I went to solve this travel foul. Now in addition to whatever I was good against before, I am also prepared to laugh in the face of Hepatitis A and Typhoid. Thursday, I went to the travel doctor at the Downtown Seattle Public Clinic and got the rest of the basic recommended immunizations for most Central and South American countries. Everytime I have to get shots, I convice myself that I'm making up how much I dislike them and that it's a irrational fear from my childhood. Yet each time it's as unfun as I remember, but worse since there's no stickers anymore either. So I'm off to Guatemala soon and more about that later.

Three days later and the Hep A protected shoulder is still proving I got the shot.

See you around,