Alien Baby Tomatos

Nov 20, 2011 | |

When I grabbed a tomato for my chicken sandwich, I felt something just underneath the skin like a seed that had grown in lost. With the blade of my knife, I dug out the bump. I pulled out what looked to be a white root, but at the end was a green spring, it was a sprout. I cut the whole tomato in half and it was full of sprouts. I had never seen this before, they were little alien babies, growing in the slimy entrails of their host.

I did some research and it seems to be a genetic anomaly, that the coating that inhibit seed growth deteriorated before the tomato started to rot and ferment. And so I planted them. They seem to be doing okay, straightening up and spreading their tiny leaves.

Potential Thesis Questions: Games

Nov 16, 2011 | |

How can we “unpansyify” games?
Should non-gamers incorporate game into their lives?
How can we create random acts of gaming?
How can we create better travel games?
How can games cross language barriers?
Is there room for fire in gameplay?
How can we incorporate cheating into games?
Can games develop a moral code?
Can games teach lost-art skills?
Can a game be something else when not in use?
Can games be unintentionally played?
Can games benefit those who observe them?
Can games create new social connections?
How could games encourage people to save the polar bears?
How could a game encourage people to go outside?
Could a game permanently change the landscape on which it was played?
Could a game predict the future?
How can we create games for outer space?
What does a game look like for jet pack commuting?
Can a game fix modern youth culture?
How could a game save us from Bieber Fever?
What is the loudest game we could create?
What is a game that creates questions rather than solutions?
Can games crack codes?
Can games train spies?
Can games save public radio?
How can I game someone into making my coffee for me?
Could games include wild animals?
Could games included bear wrestling?
What games could be played in a planetarium?
How can we encourage night games?
How can we use pets that insist upon sitting on the keyboard into the controller?
How can we use games to get me cool sunglasses?
Why are there no games with bacon?
How could games encourage family meals?
Can we start including piñatas in games?
Could we create game forts?
How can we expand “fan-dom”?
How can foam fingers be introduced to the everyday?
How can games organize our lives?
Can games make us unique?
How can games change perception of space?
How can games capture a moment?
How can games incorporate memories?
How can games help us prepare for disasters?
How can games encourage inventiveness?
How can we personalize games?
How can we make the most expensive game in the world?
How can we incorporate new materials into games?
How can we archive old games?
How can games be mobile?
How can games be wearable?
How can games give us a mission, a purpose?
How can games motivate us?
How can games create new space?
How can games introduce us to other cultures?
How can we make games for boats?
Can we incorporate games into the kitchen?
How can we make games based off the reality television show, The Deadliest Catch?
How can we occupy WoW?
How could we make a game that incorporated the moon?